People frequently neglect their health due to changes in lifestyle, which has led to an exponential rise in non-communicable diseases among the middle-aged population during the past ten years. The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, which has tripled and nearly doubled among younger people in the last 20 years, is on the rise, as are diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.

The cause of this is not only the stress and strain that we experience, but also pollution, smoking, poor eating habits, incorrect sleep patterns, and other risk factors. An increasing number of patients are being referred at a far earlier age for therapy for heart problems. This is also greatly influencing the prevalence of heart disease in younger people, which has practically led to an epidemic of heart disease in India. Indians are more genetically predisposed to developing heart issues. Additionally, it has been observed that truncal obesity, which refers to fat that has accumulated around the stomach and back, is more common on the Indian subcontinent. Truncal obesity is a strong sign that a person will get heart disease or coronary artery disease.


Why is there a need for heart bypass surgery?
When the coronary arteries, which carry blood supply to the heart, get blocked, it causes the following problems such as severe chest pain, shortness of breath even while at rest or even excessive shortness of breath while walking.
Generally speaking, doctors use medications, angioplasty, stents or bypass surgery to treat coronary artery blockages. There have been numerous breakthroughs in these therapeutic procedures. But despite these treatments' improvements, there are several issues that remain with regard to treating chest pain. Drugs and associated invasive procedures are not always the best option. Coronary artery disease develops when the blocked area's remaining repaired blood flow ceases. A reliable, efficient treatment for coronary is necessary to not only lessen the severity of the chest pain but also to improve quality of life without the need for any difficult, intrusive medical procedures. ayurvedic therapy, a non-invasive and drug-free alternative to bypass surgery, has been effectively demonstrated to be the most natural and effective treatment. this is a heart block treatment without angioplasty and bypass surgery.

About Natural Bypass
In a manner similar to bypass surgery and stem cell therapy also known as the natural bypass procedure, dilates blood vessels and enables the body to produce new blood vessels. The majority of patients experience reduced chest pain, can walk farther and quicker, and need less medicine after therapy.
Patients have a higher quality of life, and testing can show that their cardiac health has improved. Patients report lessening chest pain, shortness of breath, exhaustion, and tiredness, as well as a notable increase in energy and activity tolerance. They can move more quickly and comfortably over greater distances. Almost all patients reduce their medication. While the novel non-invasive Cardiovascular Cartography can map the blood flow in the heart and analyse the oxygen demand reserve ratio, blood vessel elasticity, myocardial burden, etc., Stress Thallium can depict the blood flow in the heart muscle.
Natural bypass therapy is completely non-invasive, preserves the cosmetic appeal, is a painless procedure, carries no risk of infection, and doesn't require a hospital stay or recovery time in contrast to conventional CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting), which splits the breastbone through a 10-inch incision. Typically, the advantage lasts between three and nine years.
Sometimes angioplasty and bypass surgery are unsuccessful, there may be a recurrence of symptoms after the bypass, and the patient may not be physically suitable for surgery or may choose to forego surgery out of cultural or personal preference. These patients now have the choice of non-invasive treatments like ayurvedic without the anxiety and stress of surgery, and these treatments are emerging as post-bypass rehabilitation support.

Who can benefit from the natural bypass method?
Heart disease mortality and morbidity rates can be greatly reduced by prompt diagnosis and early identification of the likelihood that heart disease will develop.
Heart disease sufferers with angina or chest pain.
People are at high risk for heart disease, diabetes, being overweight, having high cholesterol, smoking, having high blood pressure, living a sedentary lifestyle, being under stress, etc.
Patients who are unable to have an angioplasty or a bypass due to lung, kidney, or other issues
Recurrence or failure following angioplasty, stent placement, or bypass.
Patients who choose not to have surgery for ethical, social, or other reasons.
Small vessel disease, which is less susceptible to angioplasty and bypass (particularly prevalent in diabetics and women).
Peripheral arterial disease-related leg pain (PAD).
Many patients who are on the verge of developing heart illnesses can be treated using cutting-edge, non-invasive techniques like natural bypass. At DHAGE HEALTHCARE CARDIO PROTECTIVE AYURVED CENTRE, we offer therapy and ayurvedic medications to prevent surgery to help patients live healthy lives.