Mitral valve regurgitation is a type of heart valve disease in which the valve between the upper and lower heart chambers doesn't close completely, allowing blood to leak backward across the valve. The most prevalent form of heart valve disease is valvular heart disease. Insufficient blood will flow via the heart or to the rest of the body if the leakage is severe. Therefore, mitral valve regurgitation may cause you to feel extremely exhausted or out of breath.
Mitral valve regurgitation, also known as Mitral regurgitation (MR) Mitral insufficiency

Mitral incompetence is a condition where your heart pumps blood along a specific path in one direction only. But sometimes, it goes the wrong way. At DHAGE HEALTHCARE CARDIO PROTECTIVE AYURVED CENTRE, our experts can tell if you have a mild case that might not even need treatment or a more serious one that will need therapy, ayurvedic medicine, or surgery.


When testing confirms a diagnosis of mitral or other heart valve illness, we can inform you of the disease stage. The use of staging aids in selecting the best course of ayurvedic medicine and therapies.

The degree of the disease, the intensity of the symptoms, the structure of the valve or valves, and blood flow through the heart and lungs all affect the stage of heart valve disease.

Heart valve disease is divided into four basic groups:
Stage A: At risk. Risk factors for heart valve disease are present.
Stage B: Progressive. Valve disease is mild or moderate. There are no heart valve symptoms.
Stage C: Asymptomatic severe. There are no heart valve symptoms, but the valve disease is severe.
Stage D: Symptomatic severe. Heart valve disease is severe and is causing symptoms.

Regurgitation of the mitral valve frequently starts out slowly and is mild. Some patients with mitral valve regurgitation may go years without experiencing any symptoms.
However, mitral valve regurgitation can occasionally appear suddenly. The symptoms and signs of this illness, also known as acute mitral valve regurgitation, appear suddenly.
A typical but vague sign of mitral valve regurgitation is fatigue. Other signs and symptoms of mitral valve regurgitation include:
Sound of blood flow across the valve (heart murmur)
Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)
Shortness of breath (dyspnea), especially when lying down
Sensation of a rapid, pounding or fluttering heartbeat (palpitations)
Swollen feet or ankles (edema)

Visit us right away if you experience any symptoms of mitral valve regurgitation or another cardiac condition.
Treatment options for mitral valve regurgitation may involve ongoing observation, medicine, or surgery. Some mitral regurgitation patients don't require therapy, particularly if the regurgitation is mild.
In order to repair or replace the mitral valve in cases of severe mitral valve regurgitation, catheter treatment or heart surgery is frequently necessary. Severe mitral valve regurgitation can result in cardiac failure or arrhythmias if it is not treated.