
Hypertension, also known as Vyanabala Vaishamya, is a chronic condition that results in unusually high blood pressure levels. It quickens the blood flow so that more blood is forced against the artery and vein walls. The force used causes the arteries to narrow, which eventually results in excessive blood pressure and renal or heart failure. According to the Ayurvedic approach to treating hypertension, a patient can continue to live their life with or without the signs and symptoms of Vyanabala Vaishamya (hypertension) as long as no significant complications develop.

The excessive push of the blood against the arterial walls is known as hypertension. When a person's blood pressure is greater than 140/90, they are considered to be hypertensive patients.


In extreme cases, the pressure can reach 180/120, necessitating immediate medical attention. Kidney failure, heart attacks, and strokes are usually caused by it. Since high blood pressure has no symptoms, it is frequently misdiagnosed or discovered too late, when it might still be difficult to rectify the problem. However, it can be controlled and managed by adhering to a rigid diet (eating wholesome foods and avoiding salty or spicy foods), engaging in regular exercise, and using medication. A few Ayurvedic home treatments can also be quite successful in lowering high blood pressure.

Additionally, Ayurveda is crucial in controlling blood pressure. Include a couple of ayurvedic high blood pressure medications in your regular regimen and observe how they affect your blood pressure. Each medication should be administered in accordance with the underlying dosha and Ayurvedic body type according to Ayurvedic principles. Causes of hypertension Sedentary lifestyles and poor eating habits are the root causes of hypertension. People who lead busy lives may rely on packaged foods or fast foods that are full of chemicals and preservatives. Junk food and compulsive foods cause digestive issues that hinder digestion. The body accumulates toxins, creating blocks in passageways and resulting in elevated blood pressure. Due to accumulated impurities, which circulate through arteries and weaken them by narrowing the blood passages, blood becomes sticky or heavy. It makes arteries work harder and under more pressure, which results in hypertension, or high blood pressure.
Stress, anxiety, being overweight, a low-fiber diet, a high-fat diet, drinking too much tea or coffee, and stress all make hypertension worse.

Symptoms of hypertension
Lack of balance
Neck pain
Dizziness or vertigo
Blurred vision
Nose bleeding
Breath shortness

Treatment of Hypertension with Ayurveda
Our hypertension therapy at DHAGE HEALTHCARE CARDIO PROTECTIVE AYURVED CENTRE can determine the underlying cause of the disease. The root causes of high blood pressure indicate specific therapies and full healing. The suggested course of action is to give a herbal medicine, clean the body completely, and get rid of the underlying causes of high blood pressure.
The treatment gets rid of the toxins that have built up in the body and cleanses to make sure the blood flows smoothly through the body's channels. Yoga can be used in conjunction with herbal remedies and Ayurvedic procedures to relax the body and mind. For a speedier recovery and long-lasting effects, our specialists also advise making a few lifestyle changes. Our doctor assesses the body's general health before prescribing a diet and outlining a lifestyle plan. Avoiding pickles, table salt, meat, eggs, coffee, tea, smoking, and alcohol are just a few of the dietary changes you can make. Physical exercises like jogging, brisk walking, yoga, and swimming can be done regularly to check blood pressure.
For the treatment and recovery of mild to severe hypertension situations, the DHAGE HEALTHCARE CARDIO PROTECTIVE AYURVED CENTRE provides effective herbal therapy regimens that are secure and personalized based on the individual's condition. To give patients the best care possible, we offer the best monitoring tools and infrastructure, as well as services from experts and doctors who have been trained and certified. Make a consultation to find out more about the cost and treatment options for hypertension!