A medical disorder known as mitral stenosis is caused by a narrowing of the mitral valve, which connects the left atrium to the left ventricle. Rheumatic fever, congenital abnormalities, and chronic autoimmune disorders are the main causes of this condition. Many years after the infection has actually occurred, the mitral valve damage and associated inflammation may start to show. With mild stenosis, there might not be any symptoms, but when the problem worsens and the mitral valve opening shrinks to less than 1 cm square, signs of dyspnea, congested lungs. A gradual onset of ventricular tachycardia is also possible.


Some Risk Factors
Both males and females are equally susceptible to developing mitral valve prolapse, which can happen at any age. Patients over 50 are frequently observed to have these symptoms. It may run in patients' and be connected to other diseases called Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos dysfunction, Ebstein anomaly, musculoskeletal dystrophy, Scoliosis. Infection prevention, lung congestion reduction, atrial fibrillation treatment, and embolism prevention medications are all included in conservative treatment. Mitral valvotomy or mitral valve replacement are surgical options for treatment.

The Dhage Healthcare Cardio Protective Ayurved Centre in Pune offers ayurvedic herbal treatments that assist in alleviating fibrillation, reducing inflammation, and calcium deposits on the valve, which makes the valve leaflets more malleable. These treatments also increase heart function and efficiency. By working on both the heart muscle and the tiny tendon chords that connect the valves, our ayurvedic medicines make the valves work better and stop stenosis from getting worse. Once symptoms are under control, further medications are utilized to improve cardiac function and endurance, extending both the total symptom-free period and the patient's overall life span. Depending on each patient's overall medical condition, reaction to treatment, associated medical history, and consequences, the medications required for each individual patient may vary, as well as the dosages required. A few medications for maintenance may be needed for an additional. If a person has severe valve disease and can't have surgery, they may have to take a few Ayurvedic herbal medicines for the rest of their lives.

For Congenital Mitral Valve Malfunctions—Diet and Behaviour
Avoid eating foods that imbalance the kapha dosha, such as cold, sugary, and dry foods that are difficult to digest, since the symptoms are made worse by kapha imbalance.
Consume foods that are simple to digest.
Eat light before going to bed.
Avoid drinking water right after a meal.
Avoid strenuous exercise.

Mitral stenosis can be successfully managed over the long term with the use of ayurvedic medicine. The goal of our therapies and treatments is to extend the time without symptoms or reduce the need for surgery, improve the quality of life, lower the risk of complications, and help people live longer in general. So, ayurvedic herbal therapy is a good way to treat mitral stenosis over the long term.